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Colonics Frequently Asked

Gravity has a reputation for being the most comfortable and effective method possible. Using the natural flow of gravity to introduce water into the body the therapist can exercise the body’s natural muscular rhythm to release waste. Most machine methods mechanically force water with pressure and rely on a method rather than intuitive feedback. Using Gravity provides our therapists with the feedback necessary to create a more personalized session based on real feedback from your

Yes, Colon Hydrotherapy, Colonic Therapy and Colonics are all describing the same process. However, Gravity Colonics are a very specialized and sought out method that operates differently than other methods.

The colon is a major pathway for the body to release toxins. Emptying the colon relieves the core of the body from the weight of retained waste and the pressure of built up gas. This rapid emptying not only flattens the midsection and reduces bloating, but removes pressure from the skin and sinuses. Repetitive treatments can also exercise and condition the colon increasing transit time and complete elimination.

Regular colonics paired with clean eating can produce:

  • Glowing vibrant skin
  • A flat midsection
  • Clear sinuses & allergy relief
  • An efficient, strong bowel
  • Increased systemic detoxification

Colon Hydrotherapy can help with initial weight loss as it can relieve the belly of pounds of waste. We’ve had clients lose over 8 lbs. after a session! However, long term weight loss is accomplished by pairing treatments with clean eating. We can help you with that! Our therapists love to talk shop during your session. We also post recipes and Detox Q&A’s on instagram at @everydaydetox & @vitalitynyc

Treatments usually feel very relieving and therapeutic. Much of the time you’ll hear muted laughter coming from out treatment rooms as our clients love to catch up on life with their therapist and find the time very relaxing. Although treatments can get intense if the body is being particularly stubborn for some reason. This is usually brief and passes quickly.

Most of our clients feel elevated and go right back to life, work or even the gym directly after their session. Sometimes a treatment can require some relaxation afterwards, but this is less common.

Depending on your results, your therapist will give you exact instructions on what to eat and not eat for the next twenty four hours. Hydration, raw juice and a short break from food is almost always recommended.

Preparation is key to maximizing your session. Along with specific same day instructions that we will send you, we’ve also developed the Vitality Broom Cleanse to strategically loosen stored waste in preparation for your treatment. However, there are plenty of clients who do not prepare and we still get the job done with great results. Try your best, but don’t feel pressured to make it perfect.
You can download the Cleanse here: _____________

This depends on what your goals are. If a client is working through various issues it may require multiple or ongoing sessions. Many clients leave a treatment feeling “back on track” and want to feel it out and let their body tell them when to come back. There’s also what we jokingly call “vanity colonics” because removing the burden of waste from the core brightens the skin and flattens the belly. This being NYC we have clients who come weekly or biweekly to maintain that clean glow. Our therapists generally won’t make recommendations until after your session because they need to see what’s going on internally before having a qualified suggestion.

Yes, you absolutely can. It’s a personal choice.

Colon Hydrotherapy can be done during pregnancy AFTER the first trimester has passed. However, only for clients who have a history of treatments before pregnancy. If you’ve never had colonics before it’s a good idea to introduce your body to the process regularly either before becoming pregnant or waiting until after. We want to avoid introducing new experiences during pregnancy.

Yes, and many clients do. We do have a recommended order in which to arrange your sessions to compliment and build value from each other. Please ask our staff when booking your appointment.

Every therapist at our studio intentionally practices Gravity Colonics. As you get to know the different practitioners at our office you’ll notice everyone may have a slightly different technique, but all have a history of being healed or transformed by the work. In a way, the profession chose them. This experience is what sets our therapists apart from other methods of “spa” colonics.

Every colonic therapist will tell you their method is the best. And ours is the best. We intentionally use the Gravity Method of colonic as it allows the therapist to work less methodically and more intuitively to what your body needs. Many of our clients specifically seek us out for this reason. All of our equipment is custom made with seventeen years of experience in the design of our systems. We use a custom designed water filtration system to ultra-purify all of our water. Our treatments are conducted with the highest hygienic standards and our sterilization practices are tested and logged daily.

No, this is a complete myth. The bacterial colonies that make up the microbiome exist within the layers of the mucosal membrane. Just like drinking a glass of water doesn’t completely eliminate bacteria from the mouth nor does having a colonic. In fact, maintaining a cleansed internal environment with colonics and clean eating invites beneficial bacteria to thrive. Whereas retaining waste and stagnation invite pathogenic bacteria and parasites.